Friday, october 29'th
Not much to say about the start of
the trip to Paris. First to Billund then the plane at 12.20 to Paris
1½ hour later I'm in Charles de
Gaulle Airport. RER-train to the city and Gare de Lyon. A 100 meter walk to my
hotel for the night, the Hotel
Adriatic. Small room, but nice and clean. I'm staying here because it's
close to Gare de Lyon and my TGV-train
heading for Nice tomorrow morning.
There's time for a little
sightseeing in Paris.
I pass the Opera at the Place de la Bastille, and heads for one of my
Paris-favourites - Place de Vosges. Then through Marais to Centre Pompidou and
the shopping-area around Les Halles. Then back to Hotel Adriatic, where there's
a football-match between Marsaille and Monaco on the TV.
Saturday, october 30'th
Leaving Paris. A short walk to Gare
de Lyon, where my TGV-train for Nice leaves at 8.50. It's fast - real fast - and
before you notice the train is in Marseille. And here it doesn't even stop, it
just slows down for a more normal pace along Cote d'Azur before arriving in Nice
at 2.30.
Then I head for Maison
Danice - the place I'n gonna stay. It's very central with a nice little
aparment, with bath, kitchen and a little balcony.
Since I've got a kitchen my first
duty is shopping. Milk, cheese, coffee etc - so I can make my own breakfast in
the morning
Then it's time for a walk around
Nice for a few hours. A walk along the Mediteranean sea, where I get lost at the
end, and has to consult my map to get back - and another short wail in Vieux
Nice, an old entertainment and restaurant-area. I buy my dinner at a
take-away-joint - Phnom Penh - before going back to my apartment to eat.
Sunday, october 31'st
Wake-up call at 7 - not as bad as it
sound, because the night has been an hour longer than usual due to changing to
wintertime. Breakfast with baguettes and croissant in my own kitchen
Then a walk north to the
railway-station called Nice South. From here I take Train
des Pignes to Entrevaux.
It's a 1½ hourt ride into Provence
following the river Var. The river has not got normal river-colour. It's totally
grey for some reason.
Weather in Entrevaux is almost
as grey, but still no rain. Entreveux is an old medieval city, with small
oblique houses, tiny streets and plenty of nice and strange things around.
You can only get to the city by crossing a bridge, so it was pretty easy
to defend the city agains enemies in the old days.
On top of the city you find the Citadel.
It's a streneous walk uphill, but worth the effort. The Citadel is nice -
and the view of Entreveux and the valley is great. It's all green and red
- the colours of autumn -, so it looks real nice. On the way down it starts to
rain, and when I reach the city of Entreveux, it's really nasty. But
it's lunchtime, so it's just the right time to find a local
restaurant. After lunch the rain has stopped,
and I spend a few more hours in Entrevaux before heading for the train back to
Nice at 4. During the train-ride it really starts to rain - but I have been told
that when it rains here it's usually for a short time - and when we arrive in
Nice the rain has stopped again. |
Monday, november 1'st
It's a public holiday in France to
day - La Toussaint - and many shops and restaurants are closed.
But that can't stop me from taking
the 10.30-bus from Gare Routière to Antibes.
It's an one hour busride with the rain pouring down
outside. But I'm lucky again - the rain stops just as we reach Antibes. So I can
walk around Le Vieil Antibes - The Old Antibes - without getting wet.
Most tourist follow the main streets
here, but it's much more fun going into the more labyrinthical part of the city,
where you never know what will show up around the next corner. On the main
streets you can be pretty sure that it's just another H & M.
From Le Vieil Antibes there's a few
km to walk across Cap d'Antibes to the neighbour-city of Juan-les-Pins. And if
Antibes is for the rich - then Juan-les-Pins is for the filthy rich. They hide
in huge houses with high fences around. Most of the beaches are private property
- we don't want everyone to mingle here. But the restaurants are still public,
and I get my best pizza for decades in a restaurant down at the beach.
From here back to old Antibes and
the Marina. Here is everything - from small rowing-boats to Yachts almost as big
as QE2. I believe that if you are anything - and you can afford it - then this
is the place to have your boat. There are boats from everywhere - London,
Luxembourg, Saudi-Arabia, Hamburg - you name it.
I don't know how long I have been
walking today, but my legs can sure feel it. Så it's time for the bus back to
Nice along Cote d'Azur. This stretch of the coast is spoiled by ugly hotels,
apartments and shopping-malls. A very sad sight.
Back in Nice it starts to rain
again. So it's a little shopping in Galleri Lafayette's supermarket and a
baguette full of something and then back to my apartment for a restfull evening
in front of the TV and with a good book.
Tuesday, november 2'nd
It's my third day in Nice, and
something I really haven't seen yet is --- Nice. So I stay here for the day, and
take some solid walks around town.
Walk no. 1 is along Premenade des
Anglais - the promenade along the Mediteranean Sea. It's a nice walk - you can
imagine how many people there will be in high-season. But now there's room for
everyone, but the weather on the other hand is gray and a little rainy.
Walk no. 2 runs through the tiny
alleys in Le Vieux Nice - and end's with a climb - an easy one that is - to Parc
du Château. Here is a nice parc and a great view of the city.
This is really low-season so the
restaurant on top is closed, and there is not a single passenger on the stupid
tourist-train running up and down the hill.
Walk no. 3 - my evening-walk - also runs through Vieux Nice to Place Garibaldi.
Plenty of space in Vieux Nice this time of the year - but in summer it must be
And it's going to be exiting to wake
up tomorrow. The americans are electing their new President - and let's hope
it's a new one.
Onsdag den 3. november
Merde - The old bastard won again.
But on the other hand - the sun is
shining for the first time on this trip. Bus to Eze
Village, right between Nice and Monaco - up in the hills. A medieval town
placed right at the cliffs of the hills. Plenty of old stone-houses
and great views. Unfortunately also a lot of tourist-junk. This place could be
hell in summer. But now there's plenty of room for the few tourist hanging out.
From the village theres a small path
called Chamin de Nietzsche all the way down
to Eze de Mer at the Mediteranean. It's a 1 hour exiting walk. Exiting because -
eventhough it's downhill all the way - it's not an easy route. The path is made
of stone, cliffs and mud from the rain the last few days - and is very much
downhill at times. So I sweat a lot when I finally reach the bottom, and it's
not just because of the heat. From Eze de Mer there's a bus back to Nice.
The evening-walk is a nice stroll in the sunset
along Premenade des Anglais. Nice place. The Nice Airport is right at the end of
the walk - some 4-5 km away - and every now and then a departing plane pass by
on the sky.
Dinner at Restaurant Hippopotamus. I order my
meal in fluent french, but it might have been a mistake saying "medium
done", when the waiter asked what kind of sauce I wanted for my french
Thursday, november 4'th
Bullshit - has catched the cold -
got to stay inside all day - merde!!!
Friday, november 5'th
Fine again. Så it's a short walk to
Gare Routiére and the bus to Monaco.
Lovely drive along the coast. Much nicer than the trip to Antibes. Here there
are no ugly hotels, holiday-camps and shopping-malls. Just nice towns and great
views of the Mediteranean Sea.
I Monaco I head for the Prince's
Castle. I'm there right on time for the changing of the guard. Strange
tradition, where the guards lift their guns and sables up and down, while changing
places. All this in front of a quite astonished crowd.
From the palace it's a short walk to
The Aquarium. Plenty of fine
fish, a great view from the roof, and an exorbitant price to get
Then out into the streets of Monaco.
I'm quite familiar with many of the streets. That's because I have seen them so
often, while watching the Monaco Grand Prix on the telly. Monaco is quite hilly, so
now and then you can take an elevator or escalator up the hill, which makes the
walk less streneous.
I find the Casino-square. I don't go
into the fine Casino. The suit's standing outside guarding the thing, doesn't
seem to like people wearing t-shirts and bagpacks. Instead I find the
gambling-machines at Cafe de Paris on the other side of the square. There I give
my contribution to the forthcoming welfare of the people in Monaco.
Then on to more Formula 1-streets to
Plaza de Armes where the bus takes me back to Nice.
This is my final day in Nice, so
it's a feast in Hippopotamus, before my last walk in old Nice, and my last
view of the Mediteranean Sea.
Saturday, november 6'the
Exit Nice today. Check-out at 10.
Petit dejeuner at a cafe on the way to the railway station, and then the TGV to
Paris at 11.30.
I'm in Paris 6 hours later, and then
it's a short walk to my old hotel Adriatic.
And when this whole day so far has been
transport, you have to be a tourist by night. So I take the Metro to Bir-Hakeim
to see the Eiffeltower
by night. There's a nice lightning on the thing, and now and then it blinks
almost like the lights of a discoteque.
There are not many tourist at this
time, so the line for getting all the way to the top isn't long. I have been to
the Eiffeltower before, but never all the way up - so this is my chance to get
there. There's a great view of Paris from there - and you can see really
far. |
Down again and back to Gare de Lyon.
I'm getting used to staying in France, so it's 9.30 before I find a restaurant
for my dinner tonight - unfortunately a bad place - but such things happen.
Sunday, november 7'th
One whole day for Paris, that's not
a lot of time, so I have to use it good to see both new and welknown
places. And I was so "smart" at arrival a week ago to buy a Carnet -
10 Metro-tickets, and I still have 7 left - so we are into some serious
tourist-business today.
First stop is Cité - the small
island in the Seine. Usually people go here to see Notre Dame, but I'm not. I go
to see La
Conciergerie. It's an old prison from the 14'th century. Mainly known from
the french revolution, where all the wrong ones were held here, before their heads
were cut off. You can see the cell of Marie Antoinettes (you know - the one with
the cakes). And the power of the market was in full force those days. If you had
the money you could alway buy yourself a better cell. But you lost your head
As a bonus in La Conciergerie
there's a nice photo-exhibition and a exhibition with drawings of Rosinski, who
made the comic-books of Thorgal. Looks exiting - have to check out Thorgal when
I get back home. There's free entrence to La Conciergerie on the 1'st sunday in
every month - and that is today.
Next stop Varenne. Here is Hotel
des Invalides. This place was build by Louis XIV at about 1671 to host
disabled soldiers from the war. At times there were about 4000 disabled living
here, so it's kind of huge. Now there's a small hospital in one corner, and the
rest in mainly used for offices and museums. I check out a WW2-museum. Behind
the complex you will find the Eglise de Dòme. There's a huge cuffin where
Napoleon is burried. Why they need such a huge one for such a little man, I don't
Next stop Anvers - Montmartre and Sacre
Coeur. I have never really understood why Montmartre is so popular, and I
have to confess, that I find Sacre Coeur extremely ugly. But the wiews of Paris
from up here are great. I use one of my Metro-tickets for the funicular running up
the hill to the church. Normally I would have taken the stairs - but I have to get rid of
those tickets.
Final stop on this Paris-sightseeing trip is Père
Lachaise. This cemetary is huge and a lot of celebrities are burried here.
At the entrence you can buy a map, and then go around looking for your favourite
deads. The most famous grave is the one of Jim Morrison. Last time I was here,
there was a small party going on at the grave with people listening to old
Doors-songs, drinking a few beers and smoking funny tobacco. But this is all
over now. A guy that looks like Rutgar Hauer in a uniform is standing just
opposite the grave, so no more nonsens here.
Pére Lachaise is a lovely place a
day as today, with the most beautifull autumn-colors. Fits nicely to a cemetary
in some way.
I'm now all done, and the
second-last ticket is used back to Gare de Lyon. The last one must be saved for
another trip to Paris sometime - always an excuse to go back again some day. The
evening is spent in my room watching a football-match between PSG and
Monday, november 8'th
Last day. A little tourist-time
in the morning after checking out from my very nice hotel. I spend the time
locally. A walk on Viaduc des
Arts - an abolished railway-line now turned into some fancy shops and a
nice walk on the top.
And finally a stroll over on the other side
of the Seine to Jardin des Plantes - one of the many fine parks in
It's cold in Paris this morning and
now it starts to rain. Nice time to go home - so I take my RER-train to CDG for
my check-in to BLL. I have bought some "Boules" for Petanque, but they
are not allowed on the plane as handluggage. They are "potential leathel
weapons" as security is putting it - with a big smile. I have to go to
check-in to get them on the plane. The guy at check-in seems to think it's kind
of fun. Only George Bush would use such things as a weapon he says - they really
don't like the guy here in France. He puts them in a huge plastic-bag and they
are checked in for my plane to Billund where we arrive safely a few hours
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